Red Web Foundation seeking Board Members and Executive Director Creating lifelong menstrual health through community and education

Creating lifelong menstrual health through community and education

The Red Web Foundation in San Francisco is dedicated to supporting a positive societal view of girls' and womens' bodies and menstrual cycles from first bleeding through menopause. In 2007 RWF became a main media resource regarding choices to menstrual suppression pills now being marketed. We hold that in order for girls and women to make informed choices best suited for each personal menstrual situation, they first need to know the innate value of their cycle. When a girl or woman values her cycle, her self-respect is deepened along with often times decreasing or eliminating many of the challenging physical symptoms experienced by some.

If this speaks to you, we are inviting you to apply for a position on the Red Web Foundation Board. We seek women who are able to create a new vision; are self-aware; committed to respectful communication. We are also seeking a new Executive Director for a part-time volunteer position. For more information see or contact